Here Are The Step By Step Profit Plans You Need To Get More Customer, Get More Traffic, And Make More Money In Your Digital Product Business!
Fast Start: Begin Using These Strategies In Your Business In Less Than 24 Hours!
Dear Digital Marketer,
This has probably happened to you too...
You're driving down the road when inspiration suddenly hits!
The light bulb goes off in your mind and you have an idea. A good idea. A really good idea.
As carefully as you can, you begin looking for an ink pen and a scrap of paper. Or, if you're smart, you keep that sort of thing handy at all times because you know inspiration strikes at any time!
People wake up in the middle of the night with an idea that comes out of nowhere. Fast asleep one minute, excitedly jotting down notes the next. No clue where the idea came from. It just came out of nowhere.
This happens all the time: someone is talking with friends and something is said that triggers the light bulb. Hold on, hold on, I gotta write something down! It's stream of consciousness. Even an unrelated word can bring on inspiration.
Have you ever done this... When watching a movie, you get an idea. Or during a commercial for the big game. Or when reading a book, listening to music, or people-watching at the mall. The possibilities for when, where, why and how ideas are birthed are innumerable. And when they come, people do whatever they can to preserve the idea in whatever way they can.
Money-making ideas have been written down on napkins, receipts, hands, and just about anything else that was conveniently located at the time!
Think about this: Every successful product or service ever created since the beginning of time began with an idea.
1. Someone decided to put meat between two pieces of bread and the sandwich was born.From hamburgers to power steering to bottled water to gloves to lamps to coffee to running shoes to fingernail polish to anything you see around you... every successful product or service ever created began with an idea.
2. Someone realized that it gets hot inside during the summer and the idea of air conditioning emerged.
3. Someone thought manufacturing vehicles could be quicker if an assembly line existed.
Even if that idea was "stumbled upon", before it became a success, it got its start as an idea.
But, I want you to understand this...
Ideas Alone Won't Make You Any Money
Just because the light bulb goes off in your mind, doesn't suddenly bring you cash. :(Just because inspiration hits and you furiously scribble notes down, doesn't mean orders automatically come in as well. Just because you have an incredible idea, that idea alone won't make you any money.
Do you see what I'm getting at here?
Ideas alone won't make you any money. You actually need a couple of additional things in order to take an idea and earn cash from it.
1. You need an action plan.If you sell or use information with your business, I can help you with the number one. Number two is up to you. :)
You may have a great idea, but have no idea how to implement it. An idea is virtually worthless to you unless you know what steps to take to put that idea to work for you. You need an action plan. Your idea is the "what" to do. Your action plan is the "how" to do it.
2. You need action.
Then, you need to get busy! Once you have a fleshed out idea with steps and examples and tips and shortcuts in place, it's time to take action. There are many, many people who never get this far. Truthfully, most never get to the action plan part. And in one of these two places, the idea dies.
Here's how I can help you...
Today I'm Opening Up A Highly-Profitable Ideas Folder And Giving You Access To Ten Digital Profit Plans!
So, what if you don't have your own ideas? Or, what if those ideas aren't as good as other ideas? Or, what if those ideas are just ideas with no action steps attached to them?Wouldn't it be great to get someone who has a folder full of great ideas to open them up and hand them over to you? Better still - to turn over their action plan for using the ideas as well!
When it comes to idea weather, there is a brainstorm around my house every single day. :)
I honestly have more ideas that I know what to do with!
What I do from time to time is take an idea and put it to use in my own business. In doing so, every idea goes through a four-stage process..
The Four Stages Of Idea'ing
STAGE ONE: Idea.It all begins with whenever, whenever and however inspiration hits. The idea is written down, usually on a scrap of paper. Or sometimes on my smartphone. Whenever the idea comes, I jot down as many notes as I can think of.
Those initial notes are then organized into a 1-page brief. This brief explains the main idea along with what I think the finished product or service will look like. If you read the brief, you would have a solid understanding of the idea itself.
STAGE THREE: Checklist.
Next, I will create a simple checklist. All of the notes are grouped into chronological order. I usually come up with tweaks and variations at this stage. Not only do I create a loose overview of the steps I need to take, but I'll brainstorm some additional tips, shortcuts, examples, etc.
STAGE FOUR: Action Plan.
Ultimately, the idea is converted into an action plan that either myself or my team can carry out. These are usually about fifteen pages in length and will be detailed enough that anyone with experience can carry them out. I usually include some kind of template, step-by-step tutorial, explanation of each part of the process, etc.
Today that number is going to increase by at least one. You! :)
Today, I'm opening up my personal ideas folder and handing over ten of my own Digital Profit Plans!
Originally, I thout about selling these as standalone reports released one per week. Honestly, I could make a lot more money doing it that way. I could easily sell them for $10 each. Add in videos and I could get $30 each for them. Add in email coaching and use each one as curriculum and I could get $97 or more each.
But I decided to do something different. I decided to put them all together into one low-cost package for you to access all at once.
Take a look at this...
First Look: Digital Profit Plans - Profitable Action Plans For Those Selling Information Online!
They are approximate 15 pages in each "digital profit plan", giving you approximately 150 pages of meaty information to teach you insider ideas for generating more income from your online business!
Here's what you get today...
As you can see, there is a wide variety of topics represented here, all of which apply to those in the digital publishing industry. If you sell information on the Internet, this is for you.Digital Profit Plan #1: Five Ways To Turn A $7 Report Into A $197 Order
Little $7 reports are super easy to create, AND they're a great way to get paying customers on your list. But you can easily take these litle $7 reports and turn them into HUGE money makers. This is a big money strategy and I've laid it out for you step-by-step! Use this one to make more money in your digital business!
Digital Profit Plan #2: The Three Types Of Content That Will Drive You More Free Traffic
Content is EVERYTHING when it comes to getting more traffic to your website. And we all NEED more traffic to make more money. In this plan I'll show you three types of content that you can easily create on a variety of topics related to your niche that will bring in insane amounts of traffic!
Digital Profit Plan #3: How to Write And Create Content Drive Video Sales Letters
Video sales letters are killing it when it comes to getting people to buy. If you're not using video sales letters now is the time to get started. In this plan I'll give you my simple formula that you (even if you've never create a video sales letter before) can use to create your own order pulling sales letter from scratch!
Digital Profit Plan #4: Multiple Streams Of Income Made Easy
When it comes to your income, you never want to put all of your eggs in one basket! You always want to be making money from multiple "things". In this plan I'll show you a super easy way to create multiple streams of income within your digital product business!
Digital Profit Plan #5: Five Rock-Solid Ways To Get More Email Coaching Clients
Email coaching is a VERY good way to make more money in your digital product business, AND it's super easy to do when you use the formula I give you in this plan. I'll show you exactly how I get high paying email coaching clients and how you can too!
Digital Profit Plan #6: The Best Niche Within Your Niche For Making Easy Money
When I deal with "beginners" in ANY niche I always make the most impact and money. Beginners are a great niche within your niche. In this plan I'll show you how to tap into this niche within your niche, make the most money, and help the most people! This is a highly profitable tactic, and I can't wait to share it with you!
Digital Profit Plan #7:How To Create Your Own Four Part Conversion V.I.D.E.O. Series
People LOVE video tutorials. They want to learn something, so they go and watch a tutorial on how to do that something. You can easily create these AND make money doing it. In this plan I'll give you my super easy formula for creating your own video tutorials for topics in your niche AND how to make money by doing it.
Digital Profit Plan #8: How To Get A Sales Bump Every Week With Strategic Reports
Small little information packed reports are great little sellers. It's a great way for you to create a stream of income. Have a few of them and you have multiple streams of income. But you can also put "money makers" within them and make extra passive income off of each report you sell. In this plan I'll give you my formula for creating reports people love to buy and how to make even more money within them!
Digital Profit Plan #9: How To Find The Best B.L.O.G.S. For Guest Posting
Getting your content published on other people's blogs has been a tried and true traffic strategy, but there is an art to it. In this plan I'll show you how to use guest blogging as your "go to strategy" for getting a ton of traffic from other people for FREE!
Digital Profit Plan #10: How To Create Your Own Infographics For Fun And Profit
Here's another traffic strategy for you that can get you tons of traffic! Creating your own infographics! People share these all over the place and if you create a good infographic with the right elements you can get a ton of traffic from it for a long time to come. It's a strategy that works for a long time. In this plan I'll show you exactly how to create your own viral infographics to get a ton of FREE traffic!
Digital Profit Plans covers three basic topics in the collection of action plans...
Topic 1: How To Create MORE Streams Of IncomeThat's it in a nutshell... You will discover strategies for getting free traffic to any website that you want. There are also strategies for preselling and persuading people to arrive at your website ready to buy. And, probably my favorite part of all, included are strategies for creating additional streams of income for your business with a quick turnaround time.
Topic 2: How To Get More Free Traffic Into Your Business
Topic 3: How To Make MORE Sales... EASILY!
And, while these are not full-blown products, there are lots of meaty details...
Lots of step-by-step details.
Fill-in-the-blank templates.
Example after example.
Highly profitable ideas.
And, as if that were not enough to convince you already (seriously - why are you still reading this - scroll down and get your copy now!) let me give you three more reasons why the Digital Profit Plans package is a good fit for you...
Three REALLY REALLY REALLY Good Reasons You Need To Get The Digital Profit Plans Package... TODAY!
1. Each "plan" is a "quick read" so you can take action promptly.Let's face it, very few people ever take action on huge "home study courses". They look good, they sound good, they feel good. But, the truth is, most people get overwhelmed with all of the details and they don't take action.
So. Many. Words.
Think about it: In order to use the information in these mega courses, you've got to read hundreds of pages of information on the subject matter. Or listen to hours of audio. Or watch hours of video. That's just too much to process for most people. They get lost in a sea of content.
Information overload.
That's why more and more people are looking for "digestible" information. They want content delivered in chunks that are small enough to consume quickly, so they can get started actually using what they have learned.
Each of the reports in Digital Profit Plans is about 15 pages long. You can read each of them in a single sitting. If you've got thirty minutes, you've got time to read one of these.
What that means to you is this: within the hour you can be putting the information to work for you.
Read it. Process it. Use it.
Instead of being perpetually stuck in the "getting started" stage, you can actually FINISH something!
2. Even if you get just one idea, you totally skyrocket your investment.
You're smart with your money, right? If you can spend $5 to make $10, you'll double your money. You'll take that deal every day. Who wouldn't?
It's all about...
Return. On Investment.
ROI. That is, when you invest money, you want to get a nice return back. More than you invested. The more, the better. If you buy an information product related to your business, you'd like to learn something that significantly improve your business.
Here's my promise: When you get the Digital Profit Plans package below, you will get at least one idea that is worth a minimum of 1000% more than you paid for the product.
That's right. You will learn how to not just double your investment. Not just triple it, nor quadruple it. You will learn something that will be worth at least TEN TIMES what you paid for the product.
I have every confidence that I am being conservative in my estimation.
The truth is, one idea from this product can be worth much, much more to you than that!
You should get many more ideas than just one that can be worth much, much more than that!
Wen you download the Digital Profit Plans package, you will immediately access all ten (reports) "profit plans". Each one of them has at least one potentially business-changing idea.
Every report in the package will teach you how to increase your income. Every. Report.
3. These aren't just "ideas", these are "proven profitable ideas".
Here's the kicker: the ideas shared in this product have been proven to work. Several of them include full blown case studies showing exactly how they were completed, in step-by-step format.
Let me give you just one quick example...
EXAMPLE: In the report entitled, "Multiple Streams Of Income", you'll see an idea used a few months ago that resulted in 310 copies of the product being sold for a total $6,200 in sales. Then, PLR (private label rights licensing) was offered to the package for another $7,664 in sales. That's $13,884 in real sales. From an offer that was put together in less than 24 hours using content that had been previously sold! That's right, this "repurpose" strategy brought new sales in for content that was not even being marketed anymore. An extra $13,884 using this simple strategy. And it was put together in just one day. Anyone - and I mean ANYONE - can use this idea!
Proven. Profitable. Ideas.
What you'll read in Digital Profit Plans isn't theory. It's actually "best practices" that are being used to generate extra orders for those selling information online.
You might as well add your name to the list!
Get The Entire Digital Profit Plans Package At A Huge Discount For A Limited Time!
I know this is the part where I'm supposed to pile on a bunch of bonuses to "seal the deal", right? Usually, that would be something I'd do. As long as the bonuses "enhance" the product, I'm open to including them to provide as much value as possible for YOU!But not this time...
Due to the nature of this offer - a collection of ten detailed profit plans - there really doesn't need to be anything additional thrown in to complete the deal. I normally add in reports and checklists and the like on my full blown products to enhance the main teaching curriculum.
Only these ARE reports and expanded checklists. Each profit plan is a complete blueprint!
So, I'm not going to simply put in more reports or other products to add more "thump" to the package. Especially at the amazing price point you're about to discover below (if you haven't already peeked).
Like I said earlier, I could easily sell these for $10 each. But, because I'm bundling them all into a package, I'm going to cut that price down by over 50% and get them to you today at the low price of just $4.70 per report. That's right, order today and you'll pay just $47 for the entire set.
That's a steal of a deal, but I'm going to go even futher and cut the price again, and allow you to get the entire Digital Profit Plans package for only $17! (Note: There's also a resale rights purchas option too at a discounted price.)
Think about this for just a moment. If you get just ONE idea that earns you just ONE new customer you will more than get your money back from this package. And there is NO WAY you're going to get just "one" idea.
In fact, let me be blunt: If you don't find idea after idea that is worth more than $17, then you just aren't looking. Seriously, it's impossible to review these profit plans and not find a ton of things that you feel far exceed what you paid for it.
So, click on the order button below while I still have this entire package heavily discounted. After purchase you'll be taken to the download page, and you can dive right in going through each of these profit plans and seeing how you can use them in your business to make more money, get more traffic, and get more customers!
Option #1: One Time Payment Of Just
Option #2: One Time Payment Of Just

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